- Published:
- Updated: March 15, 2024
- Category: Pet Diet and Nutrition
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Red grapes are completely safe for your hamster to enjoy, just like green grapes. Now, this is totally up to your hamster’s preferences. Your pet might like both green and red grapes or might not like grapes at all.
You mustn’t insist if they don’t want to eat grapes.
Can Hamsters Eat Grapes?
Yes! Hamsters can eat grapes but it solely depends upon your hamster whether they like Red Grapes or Green Grapes. They may or may not like Grapes at all. But they can definitely eat grapes and it is completely safe for them to eat Grapes.
Can Drink Grape Juice?
Yes, they can drink grape juice. Doesn’t matter if it’s green grape juice or purple grape juice. Grape juice has quite a few health benefits for hamsters due to its high content of antioxidant phenols.
Research suggests that grape juice reduces the risk of getting atherosclerosis – the accumulation of fatty plaque deposits in the arteries that may lead to a stroke or even a heart attack.
A study at the University of Montpellier shows that hamsters that drank grape juice have low cholesterol levels and low oxidative stress. Again, remember to give a very little portion to your hamster.
Alternatives To Grapes
The following are the alternatives to Grapes for Hamsters which are equally beneficial for their health. They are:
They can eat grapes, they should eat seedless grapes that are peeled and given in tiny portions of a quarter teaspoon once or twice a week. Grapes should be allowed as a treatment for a maximum of twice a month for Chinese Dwarf hamsters as they might develop diabetes.
Grapes should always be given in small cut-up portions, never whole, and never too many times in a short period. The high sugar content may cause diarrhoea; if built up. Always consult your animal doctor before introducing any new food item into your pet ham’s diet
Does your pet love eating grapes or does it hate grapes? Let us in on your experiences with your hamster and grapes down below.